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PRIVACY INFORMATIVE ON PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING Proxess S.r.l. - located in Cesate (Mi) – Via Piave,144 - ZIP CODE 20020 -, C.F. and VAT registration number 08437440962 (hereinafter called “Data Handling entity”), in quality of Data Handling entity, informs you as per art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter called, “GDPR”) that your data will be processed with the following procedures and purposes: 1. Subject of processing The Data Handling entity processes your data, identifying and not sensitive (in particular, name, last name, fiscal code, VAT number, registration number, email, phone number – hereinafter called, “personal data” or also “data”) that you communicated us for one or more purposes hereinafter described. 2. Purposes of processing Your data will be processed: A) without your expressed consent (art. 24 lett. a, b, c Privacy code and art. 6 lett. b, and GDPR), for the following Service purposes: - drafting of commercial quotations both in paper form or by means of electronic mail - communications with your technical/commercial officers with reference to prospective business or material/products supplies - fulfillment of pre-contractual obligations, contractual and fiscal, originating from business relationships with you; - fulfillment of obligations specified by the Law, Regulations, Community legislation, or an Authority order. - exercise of Data Handling entity rights, for instance legal defense. B) Except in case of your disapproval (art. 23 e 130 Privacy Code and art. 7 GDPR), for the following Marketing purposes: - invitation to attend exhibitions where the company shows his products - paper technical updating or by means of electronic mail, related to the kind of instruments used - promotional technical/commercial communications, about products or services offered by the Data Handling entity We inform you that, if you are already our customer, we could dispatch or e-mail to you commercial communications related to the services or products of the Data Handling entity similar to those already used by you, unless your express disapproval (art. 130 c. 4 Privacy Code). 3. Modalities of processing Your personal data processing is carried out through the operations described at art. 4 of Privacy Code and art. 4 n.2) GDPR: Data collection, recording, organization, preservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, block, communication, cancellation and destruction. Your personal data have been subjected to paper form and electronic processing. The Data Handling entity will handle your personal data during the time necessary to fulfill the above purposes and no longer than 10 years from the termination of relationships for the Service purposes, and no later than 2 years for the data collection for Marketing purposes. 4. Access to data Your data will be accessible for the purposes described at art. 2.A) and 2.B): - to employees and Proxess collaborators, in their position of appointees and/or internal responsible for data processing and/or system administrator; - third parties (as example, suppliers, Credit institutions, professional studios, etc) carrying out activities of outsourcing on behalf of the Data Handling entity, in their position of external responsible for data processing. 5. Data Communication Without your expressed consent (ex art. 24 lett. a), b), d) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b) e c) GDPR), the Data Handling entity could communicate your data for the purposes of art. 2.A) to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities and all the other subjects to which the communication is due for law in order to carry out the said purposes. 6. Data Transfer Personal data processing and preservation will be done on a server located in Italy. It is understood that the Data Handling entity, where necessary, will be entitled to move the server location in a different Country of the European Union and/or an extra-UE Country. In such a case, the Data Handling entity guarantees that the data transfer extra-UE will be carried out in compliance with the applicable law provisions, providing, when necessary, agreements ensuring an adequate level of protection and/or adopting the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission. 7. Nature of data attribution and consequence of any refusal to answer The data attribution for the purposes of art. 2.A) is mandatory. Without it, we couldn't grant the services of art. 2.A). The data attribution for the purposes of art. 2.B) is optional. You can decide of not attributing any data or to deny the processing of data previously supplied: in such a case you could not receive the services offered by the Data Handling entity at art.2B). In any case you will still have the right to receive the services described at art. 2.A). 8. Your rights In your position of person concerned, you have the rights of specified in art. 7 Privacy Code and art. 15 GDPR : i. to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning your person, even if not recorded yet, and their communication in an intelligible format; ii. to obtain the indication: a) of your personal data origin; b) of the purposes and way of processing; c) of the logic applied in case of processing carried out by means of electronic instruments. d) of the identifying data of the Data handling entity, of controllers and the designated representative as per art. 5, comma 2 Privacy Code and art. 3, comma 1, GDPR; e) of the subjects or subjects categories to whom the personal data can be communicated or those that can learn them in quality of designated representative in the territory of the Country, Responsible or appointees; iii. To obtain: a) the updating, the rectification or, when of your interest, the integration of the data; b) the data cancellation, their transformation in anonymous form or the block of those data processed in violation of the law, included those whose preservation is not necessary, with reference to the purposes that determined their collection and subsequent processing; c) the attestation that the operations specified at letters a) and b) have been communicated , (also for what concerns their contents) to those who received the data, with exception for the case where such a fulfillment isimpossible or would require the use of means clearly disproportionate compared with the protected right; iv. To oppose, completely or in part: a) for legitimate reasons to the data processing, although relevant to the purpose of the collection; b) to your personal data processing with the purpose of dispatching/e-mailing of promotional material or direct sale or for market research, or commercial communications by means of e-mail and/or phone traditional marketing and/or paper form. Where applicable, you also have the right, as per art. 16-21 GDPR (Right of modification, right to be forgotten, Right of processing limitation, Right of data portability, Right of opposition), and Right of complaint at the Guarantor Authority. 9. Way of exercising the rights At any moment you could exercise your rights sending; - a registered letter with notification of receipt to PROXESS S.R.L., Via Piave, 144 , 20020 CESATE (Mi) - an e-mail to the address proxess@proxess.it 10. Children Our website and the services supplied by the Data Handling entity are not addressed to persons with an age lower than 18 years and the Data Handling entity does not collect intentionally personal information concerning minors. Furthermore, our website does not include profile cookies or third parties cookies. 11. Data Handling entity, controller and appointees Data Handing entity is PROXESS S.R.L. The updated list of appointees is housed at Data Handling entity head office. 12. Modifications to the present Informative The present informative can be subjected to possible modifications. We therefore suggest, to verify it periodically and to refer to the updated version that can be downloaded from our website. |
![]() Proxess s.r.l. - Via Piave, 144 20031 Cesate (Mi) - Ph. 02.9906.9477 mail: proxess@proxess.it - P.IVA: 08437440962 Batteries Register: IT22070P00007982 PEC: pec@pec.proxess.it |
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